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Equipment and Installations

In our factory in Puente Robles, in Fermoselle, we have a totally reliable team made up of members of our own family and workers from the area who dedicate all their efforts to bring all our products to the end customer with the best quality and flavour. To do this, we have modern facilities adapted to the criteria of the current European regulations and are environmentally aware but respecting the tradition of the area.

All our facilities are perfectly acclimatised so that from the arrival of the raw material to the sale of the final products, through Don Curado S.L., they do not lose the quality that characterises them.

We have a slaughterhouse in the town of Fuentesaúco, in which the traditional Zamora slaughter is respected, singeing the pigs as in the old days, our own quartering room in Fermoselle in accordance with current regulations and three drying sheds with a capacity for 2,000 pieces and 4 more, exclusively for sausages.

Equipment and Installations
Equipment and Installations
Equipment and Installations
Equipment and Installations
The CompanyMore than 30 years of tradition.Visit
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Puente Robles