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Benefits of Iberian ham for your health

Iberian ham is one of the most emblematic products of Spanish gastronomy, with a long history and a deep cultural significance. This delicacy, with its intense flavor and smooth texture, has become the symbol of any type of celebration or cultural event in our country.

In this article, we will explore the benefits of Iberian ham, its properties and nutritional values and some ways of consumption so that you can learn about its great importance in the diet.

Nutritional values of Iberian ham

The nutritional values of Iberian ham vary according to various factors, such as the type of ham selected, the percentage of Iberian breed, the curing time and the diet of the Iberian pig, for example. Below, we are going to share with you the nutritional values contained in approximately 100 grams of our 100% Iberian acorn-fed acorn-fed ham.

  • Energy Value (Kj.), a unit of measurement used in the field of nutrition and dietetics, would be 1037.9 Kj.
  • Energy value in kilocalories would be equivalent to 247.8 Kcal.
  • Fats in an amount of 12.2 g, mainly derived from the intramuscular fat of the Iberian pig, present a minimal amount of monounsaturated fatty acids. However, it is important to highlight the high concentration of oleic acid, comparable only to that of pure olive oil. These healthy fats are generated during La Montanera, a period in which the Iberian pigs feed mainly on acorns.
  • Protein 33.5 g per 100 grams. As you can see, this is the most distinctive nutritional value of acorn-fed ham compared to other fresh meats.
  • Salt 3.6 g. an aspect of concern to some consumers due to its possible impact on the circulatory system. We will address this issue later to provide a clear explanation.

Nutritional properties of Iberian ham

Iberian ham is not only a delight for the palate, but also offers numerous nutritional benefits. Being one of the star foods of our Mediterranean diet, it could not be otherwise.

High protein and mineral content.

Such is the case of heme iron, which is easily absorbed and prevents diseases such as anemia, osteoporosis and arteriosclerosis. That is why it is recommended that women consume it when they are in the menstruation stage. This avoids the common iron deficiencies that trigger iron deficiency anemia. Or minerals such as zinc, potassium and phosphorus, very necessary for the growth of children.

Contains oleic fatty acids.

A type of fat that is not harmful to health and helps prevent cardiovascular diseases. For example, by decreasing the levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) and increasing good cholesterol (HDL).

High content of B vitamins.

B vitamins are essential for the nervous system and are very present in every slice of Puente Robles Iberian ham. For example, there are studies that have shown that daily consumption of ham helps reduce stress and anxiety levels due to its high vitamin B1 content, or that it allows us to obtain a greater amount of nutrients from each food due to its B3 content. But if it stands out for anything, it is for being a great source of vitamin B12, crucial for the normal functioning of the nervous system and the brain.

High levels of tryptophan.

This delicious delicacy acts as a natural antidepressant due to its high tryptophan content, an amino acid precursor of serotonin. Although it may seem uncertain, studies have shown that the consumption of Iberian ham has positive effects on people's mood, reducing stress and anxiety.

As you can see, the great prestige of Iberian ham in our gastronomy is more than deserved. But we know that, although we have mentioned all these benefits that ham brings to your physical and mental well-being, you are still thinking about the famous phrase that has been coined: “Iberian ham contains a large amount of fat and salt that is harmful to the heart”. But let us tell you that this is not so.

Are the fat and salt in Iberian ham harmful to health?

In any situation, we tend to focus on the negative aspects, however insignificant they may be, despite a long list of positive aspects. This is no different when it comes to the properties of Iberian ham.

Despite its renown, delicacy and great consumption both nationally and internationally, Iberian ham is always accompanied by concerns about its high fat content being harmful to the arteries and increasing body weight. However, this perception is erroneous. As long as you eat quality ham.

The ham, with no additives or artificial preservatives, is mainly monounsaturated fat, known as “good fat” or “oleic fat”, which does not raise cholesterol.

In addition, ham is said to have a high salt content due to the salting process to which the ham is subjected. In spite of being an essential phase for enjoying the final product, the amount of salt in ham is not higher than that of other foods we usually eat. In fact, several studies indicate that adequate consumption of Iberian ham can help reduce blood pressure and blood clotting problems.

How to include Iberian ham in your diet

To lead a happy and healthy life, you should follow a balanced diet in which all foods are present in their right measure. Therefore, if we take into account the recommendations of the WHO (World Health Organization), the recommended amount would be approximately 50 grams per day.

Why is this? The general population needs to consume approximately 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of our weight. And if we are talking about athletes, this amount is even higher. That is why Iberian ham becomes your perfect ally to replace other red meats and, even so, still have covered that large amount of protein needed to gain muscle mass. To give you an approximate numerical idea, 100 grams of Iberian ham are equivalent to 33.5 grams of protein.

On the other hand, you have surely heard how it is becoming more and more fashionable in slimming or low-calorie diets, due to its high protein content, high satiety sensation and low caloric intake.

In addition, its consumption does not generate a feeling of heaviness thanks to proteolysis, a chemical reaction during its elaboration that allows an optimal absorption of nutrients and a good digestion.

Do you want to benefit from all these properties? At Puente Robles we offer vacuum-packed sachets of sliced Iberian ham a practical and delicious option. Just open the envelope and enjoy thin and juicy slices of Iberian ham.

Besides, being such a versatile food, it can be enjoyed in multiple ways. From quick avocado and ham toasts to more sophisticated recipes.

Even children can prepare their snack snacks independently and easily.

In summary, it is important that you include the right amount of Iberian ham in your daily diet both for its nutritional value and for all the nutritional properties we have seen.

Do you have any doubts? In Puente Robles you will find a selection of the best Iberian hams. All of them, elaborated following the traditional recipes taught to us by our ancient generations. To achieve unique hams, offering the flavors of always and with all the benefits that ham offers for your health.  

Iberian ham sandwichbread toasts with thin slices of Iberian ham, olive oil and tomatoHam dryerAvocado and Iberian ham toasts
Puente Robles